Russian Studies Courses
Russian language is taught in a non-intensive format, to benefit students who do not have enough room in their schedule for 2-unit per semester language study. To fulfill your COM2 requirement with no prior experience in Russian, we strongly advise you to start in the fall of freshmen year with Russian 101-102. In your sophomore year, you will complete Russian 201-202.
For more information on the synergies between Russian language study and majors in business, pre-med, science, art, international studies, political science, and pre-law, contact Yvonne Howell. Or just sign up and enjoy the ride!
Russian Studies Program
RUSN 101 Elementary Russian I
DescriptionIntroduction to Russian language and culture. -
RUSN 102 Elementary Russian II
DescriptionIntroduction to Russian language and culture.PrerequisitesRUSN 101
RUSN 179 Accelerated Russian Language Abroad I
Units: 1
DescriptionOnsite language course offered during summer study abroad in St. Petersburg. Designed to accelerate conversational and comprehension skills. For students who have completed one year of college Russian.PrerequisitesRUSN 102
RUSN 201 Intermediate Russian I
DescriptionActive practice and reinforcement of language skills and study of culture.PrerequisitesRUSN 102
RUSN 202 Intermediate Russian II
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): Second Language Proficiency (SLP)
DescriptionActive practice and reinforcement of language skills and study of culture.PrerequisitesRUSN 201
RUSN 305 The Russian Case
Units: 1
DescriptionProvides a critical introduction to key themes in Russian culture and civilization using authentic Russian language materials from popular culture, literature, media and film. Topics vary by semester, but the course material is designed to move students from low to high intermediate proficiency (ACTFL). Primary focus on rapid expansion of functional vocabulary and thorough review of case system.PrerequisitesRUSN 202 or RUSN 211
RUSN 312 Accelerated Russian Language Abroad
Units: 1
DescriptionOnsite language course offered during summer study abroad in St. Petersburg. Designed to accelerate conversational and comprehension skills.PrerequisitesRUSN 201 or RUSN 221
RUSN 313 Russian Cultural Life
Units: 1
DescriptionOnsite cultural studies course offered during summer study abroad in St. Petersburg. Designed as introduction to both “high” culture (museums, opera, concerts) and “everyday” culture in contemporary Russia, the course immerses students in the aesthetic and practical aspects of life in St. Petersburg, and provides a framework for reflecting upon the diversity of cultural practices.PrerequisitesRUSN 202 or RUSN 221
RUSN 315 Verbs for Life
Units: 1
DescriptionProvides a critical look at the importance of literature for Russian national mythologies using authentic Russian language materials from classic and contemporary Russian literature. Authors and readings vary by semester, but the course material is designed to move students from low to high intermediate proficiency (ACTFL). Primary focus on understanding the system of prefixed verbs in Russian, as well as rapid expansion of functional vocabulary.PrerequisitesRUSN 305
RUSN 388 Individual Internship
Units: 0.5
DescriptionInternship experiences outside of the department in fields related to Russian studies. No more than 1.5 units of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units. -
RUSN 389 Practice Assistantship
DescriptionStudents lead practice sessions associated with the elementary and intermediate language sequence in Russian. The practice assistantship does not count as credit toward the major or minor. Up to one unit can be applied toward graduation credit. -
RUSN 401 Topics in Advanced Russian I
Units: 1
DescriptionDiscussion in Russian at advanced level of selected topics and readings in Russian literature. -
RUSN 402 Topics in Advanced Russian
Units: 1
DescriptionDiscussion in Russian at advanced level of selected topics and readings in Russian literature. -
RUSN 406 Summer Undergraduate Research
DescriptionDocumentation of the work of students who receive summer fellowships to conduct research [or produce a creative arts project] in the summer. The work must take place over a minimum of 6 weeks, the student must engage in the project full-time (at least 40 hours per week) during this period, and the student must be the recipient of a fellowship through the university. Graded S/U.PrerequisitesApproval by a faculty member.
RUSN 420 Readings in Russian Literature
Units: 1
DescriptionAnalysis and discussion of primary Russian texts. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated up to three times with different course material. -
RUSN 495 Independent Study
Units: 0.25
DescriptionSpecial projects individually pursued under supervision of faculty member. -
RUSN 497 Selected Topics
Units: 1
DescriptionSpecial interest topics offered at department's discretion. -
RUSN 498 Senior Reserch Project I
DescriptionConsultation with faculty mentor and selection of Russian studies topic for senior research project. -
RUSN 499 Senior Research Project II
Units: 0.5
DescriptionCompletion and presentation of an independently researched paper on Russian studies topic.