Dr. Yvonne H. Howell
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Professional Experience
Professor of Russian and International Studies, University of Richmond (2010-Present)
Associate Professor of Russian and International Studies, University of Richmond (1997-2010)
Visiting Assoc. Professor of Russian, Dartmouth College (2009)
Assistant Professor of Russian, University of Richmond (1991-1996)
Visiting Instructor of Russian, Dartmouth College (1988-1991)
Professional Experience
Selected Publications
Moments of Happiness [edited, with Introduction and notes]. Translation of Momenty schast’ia. Aleks Dubas (Moscow: ACT Press, 2015). Academic Studies Press, forthcoming, 2020.
Red Star Tales: A Century of Soviet and Russian Science Fiction. Montpelier, VT: RIS Publications, 2015.
Apocalyptic Realism: The Science Fiction of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. New York: Peter Lang, 1994.
Apokalipticheskii realizm. Nauchnaia fantastika A.i B. Strugatskikh. Russian edition. Boston, St. Petersburg, Moscow: ASP, forthcoming, 2020.
Coedited with Francoise Lavocat, “Fact vs. Fiction.” Neohelicon 43 (2016).
Guest editor, Special Edition: “Russian and Soviet Science Fiction” Chtenia 30 (Spring 2015)
Coedited with Sibelan Forrester. “Reading the History of the Future: From Nauchnaia fantastika to Post-Soviet Dystopia.” Introduction (219-224) and edited collection of essays in Slavic Review, Vol 72 (Summer 2013).
Journal Articles“Through a Prism, Translated: Culture and Change in Russia,” Prismatic Translation, ed. Matthew Reynolds. Oxford: Legenda, 2019.
“The Science Fictionality of Russian Culture: Literature by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky” Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around The World, ed. Dale Knickerbocker. Urbana-Champagne: U of Illinois Press, 2017.
“The Genetics of Morality: Policing Science in Dudintsev’s ‘White Robes’” Policing Literary Theory, ed. Michailescu and Takayuki. Leiden, London: Brill 2017.
“The Clash of Fictions: Geopolitics in Recent Russian and Ukrainian Literature,” Japanese Slavic and East European Studies, Vol. 37 (2016), 1-17.
“Genrikh Altshuller and TRIZ (Theory of Innovative Problem-Solving)” A Convenient Territory: Essays in Honor of Barry Scherr, ed.s John Kopper and Michael Wachtel. Bloomington, IN: Slavica 2015, 355-366.
“From ‘sots-romanticism’ to rom-com: the Strugatskii’s ‘Monday Begins on Saturday’ as a film comedy” Science Fiction Film and Television 8.2 (2015), 127-143.
“When ‘Boy Meets Tractor’ Became ‘Scientist Meets Cybernetics’: Post-War Scientific Paradigms and the Socialist Realist Plot,” Neohelicon 41.2 (2014) 391-399.
“Baring the Brain As Well As The Soul: Milan Kundera’s The Joke.” Philosophy and Literature 2010: 34: 201-217.
“The Liberal Gene: Sociobiology as Emancipatory Discourse in the late Soviet Union” Slavic Review, Summer 2010: 69: 356-376.
"The Genetics of Genius: Biosocial mechanisms of higher intellectual activity." In Madness and the Mad in Russian Culture. Ed. A. Brintlinger and I.Vinitsky. University of Toronto Press, 2007: 208-225.
“Eugenics, Rejuvenation, and Bulgakov’s Journey into the Heart of Dogness” Slavic Review, Fall 2006: 544-562.
“Where’s the Velvet? Jachym Topol’s Sestra and the Reception of Alex Zucker’s Translation of City, Sister, Silver.” Translation Review, No. 63, 2002: 45-51.
“When the Physicists are Lyricists: Translating the Strugatskys’ Ponedel’nik Nachinaetsia v Subbotu.” Essays in the Art and Theory of Translation, eds. Grenoble and Kopper. Edwin Mellen Press, 1997: 165-196.
Guest Associate Editor. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology, Special Issue on Communities of Science in Russia. Johns Hopkins University Press: Vol.1, No.3 (Fall 1993)
“Science and Gnosticism in ‘Lance’.” Studies in Nabokov’s Short Fiction, eds. Barabtarlo and Nicol. New York: Garland Publ., 1993: 181-193.
“Karel Capek in 1984.” Cross Currents 3. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 1984: 121-130.
Reviews for Slavic Review, Times Higher Education (UK), Slavic and East European Journal, American Ethnologist, Neohelicon.