French Courses
French Program
FREN 121 Accelerated Elementary French
DescriptionIntroduction to French language and culture. Emphasis on oral communication. Development of elementary reading and writing skills.PrerequisitesPermission of department
FREN 221 Intensive Intermediate French
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): Second Language Proficiency (SLP)
DescriptionReinforcement of communicative language skills. Increased emphasis on reading, writing, and culture. -
FREN 301 French Conversation through Cinema
DescriptionDevelopment of speaking ability in French, with stress upon vocabulary expansion, pronunciation and communicative accuracy, through representations of French culture in film.PrerequisitesFREN 221 or permission of department
FREN 304 French Grammar Review
Units: 1
DescriptionAn in-depth study of French grammar designed to improve the written expression of more advanced students in preparation for writing.PrerequisitesFREN 301, FREN 305, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 305 Writing in French through Culture and Literature
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC)
DescriptionDevelops competent writing skills through topics in French and Francophone literature and culture. Students will engage in writing exercises in a variety of textual genres including essay, review, explication de texte (textual explication), and short paper.PrerequisitesFREN 221 or permission of department.
FREN 306 French at Work
Units: 1
DescriptionTask-based course designed to develop students' ability to interact in French situations specific to the workplace. Acquisition of business terminology and etiquette and exploration of cross-cultural differences, economic and political issues influencing business in the French-speaking world. -
FREN 311 French and Francophone Culture
Units: 1
DescriptionExploration of significant themes and issues in contemporary French and Francophone cultures set in the context of French history and cultural traditions.PrerequisitesFREN 221 or permission of department
FREN 320 The Individual in Society
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionIntroduces students to works of literature written in French from a variety of genres (poetry, prose, and theatre) and to critical writing in French.PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 323 Introduction to Quebecois Literature and Culture
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionAn exploration of French Canadian culture through Québécois and Acadian writings and films from the earliest period of New France to the most recent period. Texts will include New France, Post-colonial and diasporic Francophone topics emanating from Québec and other Francophone Canadian enclaves. The issue of First Nations will be addressed.PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 324 African and Caribbean Francophone Cultures and Literature
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionExplores contemporary African and Caribbean Francophone literatures and cultures through texts and films by African and Caribbean writers. It will explore negritude, Post-colonial and diasporic Francophone cultures and new issues of the globalized world. The course will be taught entirely in French..PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 325 The Origins of France
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionStudies in French literature, history, and culture from the Medieval period to the Enlightenment.PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 326 Revolution in France
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionStudies in French literature, history, and culture related to the concept of revolution with special emphasis on the Enlightenment and the 19th century.PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 327 The Question of Modernity
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionStudies in French literature, history, and culture related to modern French society and the French-speaking world.PrerequisitesFREN 305 and FREN 301, FREN 304, FREN 306, or FREN 311
FREN 328 Introduction to Magrhebian Literature and Culture
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Power/Equity/Identity/Cult (IFPE), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionExplores contemporary Francophone literatures and cultures through texts and films by Maghrebian writers and filmmakers (North Africa, Lebanon and France).PrerequisitesFREN 301 and FREN 305
FREN 388 Individual Internship
Units: 0.25
DescriptionInternship experience outside of the department in fields related to French studies. No more than 1.5 unit of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units.PrerequisitesPermission of the department
FREN 389 Practice Assistantship
DescriptionStudents lead practice sessions associated with the elementary and intermediate language sequence in French. The practice assistantship does not count as credit toward the major or minor. Up to one unit can be applied toward graduation credit.PrerequisitesPermission of the department
FREN 397 Selected Topics
Units: 1
PrerequisitesFREN 221 or permission of instructor
FREN 402 Advanced French Conversation
Units: 1
DescriptionDevelopment of advanced speaking skills beyond 301 level.PrerequisitesFREN 301
FREN 412 French and Francophone Culture in Conversation
Units: 1
DescriptionFor advanced students of French. Further refines and enhances oral expression and explores topics in current events in the French and Francophone world and how those events relate to the past. Broaden vocabulary, hone grammatical precision, and expand the sophistication of spoken French. Critical analysis of French and Francophone cultural production through oral presentations and leading class discussion.PrerequisitesFREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, or FREN 328
FREN 414 Advanced French Grammar and Culture Studies
Units: 1
DescriptionAn in-depth review and focused investigation of French grammar and syntax designed to further refine and enhance the written expression of more advanced students of French. Also explores French grammar “in action” through personal and creative writing, the study of contemporary cultural issues, and consideration of the French language as alive and evolving.PrerequisitesFREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, or FREN 328
FREN 415 Traduction
Units: 1
DescriptionTranslation of literary, journalistic, and technical texts from French to English and English to French. Includes a community-based learning component (involving both linguistic and "cultural" translation), an introduction to interpreting techniques, and readings on different theories of translation.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 420 The French Middle Ages
Units: 1
DescriptionAnalysis of issues such as morality and literacy, governance, social order, human values and ideals, authorship, gender, and artistic production as manifested in significant texts from the 11th to the 15th centuries.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 421 Renaissance
Units: 1
DescriptionExploration of literature of a France transformed by Reformation and Renaissance: the poetry of love; devotion and play; the prose of wisdom.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 422 Le Siecle Classique
Units: 1
DescriptionExploration of both triumphs and powerful tensions within 17th-century culture, with attention to such issues as political patronage of the arts, women intellectuals and salon culture, courtly life at Versailles, social satires of Molière, and place of dissent within the absolutist state.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 423 Enlightenment
Units: 1
DescriptionLiterary and philosophical texts of 18th century, emphasizing questions on selfhood, social life, gender relations, and power. Topics include the libertine tradition, novel and society, women writers and Enlightenment's others.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 424 From Romanticism to Decadence
Units: 1
DescriptionIssues of gender, subjectivity, and socio-historical contexts in works by poets, novelists and historians in the numerous and varied cultural movements of 19th-century France. Recent topics include visual culture in 19th-century France and literary and cultural scandals.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 430 What are the Liberal Arts for? A French Perspective
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores the connection between education and civic duties within the French context: Can truth not be truth? Do facts have alternative versions? Why do truth and facts matter to our democracy?PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 461 From Modern to Postmodern
Units: 1
DescriptionTrends in 20th century and contemporary French poetry, drama, and fiction, set in the context of painting, film and experimental art forms. Recent topics include otherness, gender, creativity, the nature of truth, and the quest for self-expression.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 462 Contemporary Ideas
Units: 1
DescriptionReadings and discussion of recent works which have provoked political or intellectual debate in France and the French-speaking world.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 465 French Film
Units: 1
DescriptionSurvey of development of French cinema with emphasis on the contemporary period. Introduction to film aesthetics and film theories. Film topics include French current events and trends, personal and social challenges, ethnicity, women's issues, and historical or political perspectives.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 467 French Culture in the Making: Conception and Actualization of a French Film Festival
Units: 1
DescriptionExperience in the creation and preparation of a major cultural event on French cinema leading to significant enhancement of knowledge of French contemporary cinema and culture, substantial improvement of French language skills, and exposure to cultural management. Activities will be carried out in French and include writing, editing, translation and interpretation, film programming, advertisement and marketing development, outreach promotion, media relations at the local, national, and international levels, and event management.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 471 Francophone Studies
Units: 1
DescriptionLiterary and cultural studies of modern Francophone texts by African, Caribbean, Québecois, Maghrebian, and other French-speaking writers. Recent topics include: tradition, postcolonialism and modernity; aesthetics; négritude; and globalization.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 480 Food: French and Italian Rituals
Units: 1
DescriptionExamines the impact of food on French and Italian culture and society. Through literary texts, philosophy, history, film, and the visual and performing arts, explores the complex relationship between food, culture, and identity.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328.
FREN 486 Paris As Visual Cliche
Units: 1
DescriptionExamines a variety of visual clichés related to the city of Paris and analyzes them using literature, cultural studies, cultural theory, and visual analysis.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328
FREN 491 Honors Thesis I
Units: 0.5
DescriptionResearch on a topic of interest, design of an original thesis and draft of a first version of the honors thesis under the supervision of a thesis's advisor. Graded Pass/Fail.PrerequisitesAcceptance into French Honors Program.
FREN 492 French Honors Thesis II
Units: 1
DescriptionCompletion of a 25-30 page honor thesis and presentation of research at the French Studies Symposium.PrerequisitesFREN 491
FREN 495 Independent Study
Units: 0.5
DescriptionSpecial projects individually pursued under supervision of faculty member.PrerequisitesPermission of department
FREN 497 Selected Topics
Units: 1
DescriptionExperimental topics based on student and faculty interests. Recent topics: autobiography, the emergence of drama, the letter in philosophy and literature, women writing in French.PrerequisitesTwo classes in the 320 series: FREN 320, FREN 324, FREN 325, FREN 326, FREN 327, FREN 328