Japanese Minor Requirements
The Japanese Minor
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.70).
Five units, including an approved study abroad experience and
Four courses in Japanese at the 300 level or above
For the last course of the Japanese minor, students are strongly encouraged to take a 400-level course in Japanese. They may also elect to take one elective from the list below with a C-LAC in Japanese:
HIST250 Modern East Asia 1600-1960
HIST255 Meiji Japan: An Emperor and the World Named for Him
HIST341 History and Memory: WWII in East Asia
PLSC343 Politics of Asia
RELG355 Selected Asian Religions
Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the minor unless otherwise noted.