Italian Studies Courses
Italian Studies Program
ITAL 121 Intensive Elementary Italian
DescriptionIntroduction to Italian language and culture; development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. -
ITAL 221 Intensive Intermediate Italian with Drill
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): Second Language Proficiency (SLP)
DescriptionActive reinforcement and practice of listening, speaking, reading and writing, within contemporary cultural contexts.PrerequisitesITAL 121
ITAL 301 Italian Conversation and Composition Through Cinema
Units: 1
DescriptionDevelopment of effective communication through viewing and discussion of contemporary films.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 305 Speaking and Writing in Italian Culture and Literature
Units: 1
DescriptionDevelopment of writing, speaking, and comprehension. Emphasis will be placed on enhancing writing skills, vocabulary expansion, pronunciation, grammatical and communicative, both written and oral, accuracy.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 311 Italian Culture and Society
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores the social, cultural, economic, historical and political characteristics of various regions of Italy.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 312 Italian in the Media
Units: 1
DescriptionA dynamic exposure to Italian through its news media. By reading newspapers, listening to radio, watching television reports and visiting online sites, students will explore contemporary public affairs, from politics and economics to sports and the arts, in the “Bel Paese.”PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 314 Women: The Architects of Italy
Units: 1
DescriptionExploration of the varied and important roles of women in Italian history, culture, and society.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 315 Folklore and Legend in Northern Italy
Units: 1
DescriptionComprehensive readings of numerous legends of the northernmost region of Italy, its languages (Italian, German, and Ladino), culture, geography, and history. Listening and comprehension skills alongside reading and writing will be developed in this course.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 318 Business Italian
Units: 1
DescriptionIntroduction to the dynamic landscape of Italian business in the context of its culture, politics, and its place in the European Union. Emphasis on developing an understanding of Italian business practices and knowledge of the language as used in the business world.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 321 Italian Literature in Context
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionIntroduction to Italian literature through analysis of selected works in their historical, aesthetic, sociopolitical, and other cultural contexts.PrerequisitesITAL 305
ITAL 323 The Literature of Exile
Units: 1
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): IF-Written Communication (IFWC), AI-Literary & Textual Analysis (AILT)
DescriptionItalian literature of exile from Dante to contemporary Italian transnational writers.PrerequisitesITAL 305
ITAL 388 Individual Internship
Units: 0.5
DescriptionInternship experiences outside of the department in fields related to Italian studies. No more than 1.5 units of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units. -
ITAL 389 Practice Assistantship
DescriptionStudents lead practice sessions associated with the elementary and intermediate language sequences in Italian. The practice assistantship does not count as course credit toward the major or minor. Up to one unit can be applied toward graduation credit. -
ITAL 397 Selected Topics
Units: 1
DescriptionSelected topics related to Italian culture and society, to be offered at the discretion of the department.PrerequisitesITAL 221
ITAL 406 Summer Undergraduate Research
PrerequisitesApproval by faculty member
ITAL 411 Italian Identities: Sicily, Veneto, Tuscany
Units: 1
DescriptionComparative investigation of Sicily, Veneto, and Tuscany through historical, literary, artistic, political, and other cultural perspectives.PrerequisitesITAL 321 or ITAL 323
ITAL 423 Le Tre Corone: Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio
Units: 1
DescriptionAn exploration of Medieval Italian literature and culture, focusing on three of its most influential figures.PrerequisitesITAL 321 or ITAL 323
ITAL 425 Love and Family all'Italiana
Units: 1
DescriptionInvestigates the shifting importance and meaning of family in Italian culture through an encounter with literature, opera, and film.PrerequisitesITAL 305 and ITAL 321 and ITAL 301, ITAL 311, ITAL 312, or ITAL 315
ITAL 450 The Italian Novella
Units: 1
DescriptionExplores the long history of the Italian novella (a short story) from its origins in Boccaccio’s Decameron to its development in the 20th and 21st centuries. -
ITAL 453 Selected Readings in 19th and 20th-Century Italian Literature and Culture
Units: 1
DescriptionCourse topics will focus on various developments in Italian literature and culture in the 19th and 20th Centuries.PrerequisitesITAL 321 or ITAL 323
ITAL 480 Food: French and Italian Rituals
Units: 1
DescriptionExamines the impact of food on French and Italian culture and society. Through literary texts, philosophy, history, film, and the visual and performing arts, explores the complex relationship between food, culture, and identity.PrerequisitesITAL 321 or ITAL 323
ITAL 491 Honor Thesis I
Units: 0.5
DescriptionResearch of a topic of interest, design of original thesis and draft a first version of the Honors Thesis under the supervision of a thesis advisor. -
ITAL 492 Honor Thesis II
Units: 1
DescriptionCompletion of a 25-30 page honor thesis and presentation of research to Italian Studies Faculty. -
ITAL 495 Independent Study
Units: 0.5
DescriptionSpecial projects individually pursued under supervision of faculty member. -
ITAL 497 Selected Topics
Units: 1
DescriptionSpecial interest topics offered at department's discretion.PrerequisitesITAL 321 or ITAL 323