Major and Minor Requirements
Major and Minor Requirements
To earn a major in Arabic Studies, students must take nine units of coursework Arabic Studies, four of which must be in advanced Arabic language, including ARAB 231 and three additional units at the 300-level or above. The complete requirements for the Arabic Studies major are described under the major tab.
- NOTE: Students must have completed ARAB 221 or the equivalent to take ARAB 231 and upper-level courses (300-level and above) in Arabic language and culture. Each fall, the program offers ARAB 101 and ARAB 221, and each spring ARAB 102 and ARAB 231 are offered. Most students, therefore, choose to begin their study of Arabic in the fall semester.
To earn a minor in Arabic Studies, students must take five units of coursework in Arabic Studies, four of which must be in advanced Arabic language, including ARAB 231 and three additional units at the 300-level or above, and an approved elective. The complete requirements for the Arabic Studies minor are described under the minor tab.
- NOTE: Students must have completed ARAB 221 or the equivalent to take ARAB 231 and upper-level courses (300-level and above) in Arabic language and culture. Each fall, the program offers ARAB 101 and ARAB 221, and each spring ARAB 102 and ARAB 231 are offered. Most students, therefore, choose to begin their study of Arabic in the fall semester.
Many students combine their study of Arabic with the study of another language or with interdisciplinary study in Global Studies or a comparable major. Independent study courses are an option for Arabic Studies majors and minors once they have successfully passed the intermediate level. Advanced students may be selected to serve as practice assistants or have the option of doing additional work in the Cultures and Languages across the Curriculum (CLAC) program to hone their language skills.
The Arabic Studies Major
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.70).
Nine units, including:
ARAB231 Arabic Comprehension
ARAB301 Advanced Arabic I
ARAB302 Advanced Arabic II
ARAB303/ARAB304 Advanced Arabic Conversation (these two count together count as one unit)
ARAB401 Arabic in Media
ARAB402 Introduction to Arabic in Literature
LLC346 Insiders and Outsiders: Arabic Encounters with the West
Two courses, chosen from the following list or taken with permission of the department:
ANTH350 Sex and Gender in the Middle East
ARAB315 Grammar Through Texts
ARAB397 Selected Topics
ARAB401 Arabic in Media
ARAB402 Introduction to Arabic in Literature
CLSC321 Archaeology of the Middle East
HIST199 The Great War in the Middle East
HIST271 The Modern Middle East
HIST272 The Ottoman Empire
HIST370 Contending Visions of the Middle East
RELG103 Introduction to Islam
RELG105 Ninety-nine Names of God
RELG205 Religion and Literature
RELG215 Religion and the Arts
RELG244 Sex and Family in the Greek and Roman Worlds
RELG288 Saints and Sinners in Muslim Literature
RELG385 Sufism: Introduction to Islamic Mysticism
Students MUST complete an approved study abroad experience as part of the Arabic Studies major. The study abroad experience can be fulfilled through a semester or a summer study abroad program associated with the University of Richmond, or other summer or semester programs in universities or institutions in the Arab World approved by the Arabic Studies faculty.
Students MUST take one 400-level course in Arabic at the University of Richmond after they return from abroad.
Students can transfer up to three courses to fulfill their Arabic Studies major requirements.
It is advisable that students sign up for a C-LAC section with the courses that are not taught in Arabic.
The Arabic Studies Minor
Five units, including:
ARAB231 Arabic Comprehension
ARAB301 Advanced Arabic I
ARAB302 Advanced Arabic II
ARAB397 Selected Topics
One unit, chosen from:
ANTH350 Sex and Gender in the Middle East
ARAB315 Grammar Through Texts
ARAB397 Selected Topics
CLSC321 Archaeology of the Middle East
HIST199 The Great War in the Middle East
HIST271 The Modern Middle East
HIST272 The Ottoman Empire
HIST370 Contending Visions of the Middle East
RELG103 Introduction to Islam
RELG105 Ninety-nine Names of God
RELG205 Religion and Literature
RELG215 Religion and the Arts
RELG244 Sex and Family in the Greek and Roman Worlds
RELG288 Saints and Sinners in Muslim Literature
RELG385 Sufism: Introduction to Islamic Mysticism