Major and Minor Requirements

  • Major

    The Chinese Studies Major

    Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).

    Nine courses, including:

    • At least six language courses chosen from the following:

      • CHIN201 Intermediate Chinese I

      • CHIN202 Intermediate Chinese II

      • CHIN301 Advanced Intermediate Chinese

      • CHIN302 Advanced Intermediate Chinese II

      • CHIN315 Myths and Parables in Chinese Literature and Film

      • CHIN401 Topics in Advanced Chinese I

      • CHIN402 Topics in Advanced Chinese II

      • CHIN410 Business Chinese

      • CHIN497 Selected Topics

    • At least 1 LLC elective course chosen from the list below, in conjunction with CLAC in Chinese:

      • LLC220 Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture

      • LLC225 Chinese Culture and Civilization

      • LLC227 The Action Genre in East Asian Cinema

      • LLC325 Revolution and Modernity in Chinese Literature

      • LLC355 Chinese Cinema

    • At least 1 elective course chosen from the list below:

    • At least 1 more course (taught in Chinese or English) chosen from the lists above. 

    Students MUST complete an approved study abroad experience as part of the Chinese Studies major. The study abroad experience can be fulfilled through a summer study abroad program associated with the University of Richmond, or other summer or semester programs in a Chinese-speaking location approved by the Chinese Studies faculty.

    Students must take one 400-level course in Chinese at the University of Richmond after they return from abroad.

    Students can transfer up to four courses to fulfill their Chinese Studies major requirements.

  • Minor

    The Chinese Studies Minor

    Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the minor must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).

    Five courses, including:

    • Three language courses chosen from the following:

      • CHIN201 Intermediate Chinese I

      • CHIN202 Intermediate Chinese II

      • CHIN301 Advanced Intermediate Chinese

      • CHIN302 Advanced Intermediate Chinese II

      • CHIN315 Myths and Parables in Chinese Literature and Film

      • CHIN401 Topics in Advanced Chinese I

      • CHIN402 Topics in Advanced Chinese II

      • CHIN410 Business Chinese

      • CHIN497 Selected Topics

    • One LLC elective course chosen from the list below:

      • LLC220 Contemporary Chinese Popular Culture

      • LLC225 Chinese Culture and Civilization

      • LLC227 The Action Genre in East Asian Cinema

      • LLC325 Revolution and Modernity in Chinese Literature

      • LLC355 Chinese Cinema

    • One elective course chosen from the list below:

    Studying abroad is strongly encouraged, but not required. Students can transfer up to two courses to fulfill their Chinese Studies minor requirements. Minors are strongly encouraged to take at least one 300 or 400-level language course on campus after studying abroad.

  • Cross-School Major

    Cross-School Major in Chinese Studies and International Business

    (Earned in conjunction with a major in the Robins School of Business with an international business concentration.)

    • Nine courses and an interdisciplinary research project (IDST379), in addition to completing all requirements of the international business concentration for the business administration major, including

    • CHIN401 Topics in Advanced Chinese I, and

    • Four courses at the 300-level or above, chosen from:

    • One semester full-time study in China or Taiwan at an approved university

     The cross-school major in Chinese Studies and International Business represents a collaborative project between the Department of Languages,  Literatures, and Cultures and the International Business Program in the Robins School of Business. Designated faculty members from each program will advise students upon declaration and as they progress through the major. The curriculum includes a semester abroad at one of the University's partner institutions (for example, Tsinghua University in Beijing or National Chengchi University in Taiwan). There, students will continue their course work in Chinese Studies and business in classes with both local and other international students.

    To prepare for the experience abroad, students must have taken CHIN202 or the equivalent. Upon returning to the University of Richmond, they will broaden their knowledge of literary and cultural studies through advanced seminars as well as additional Robins School of Business coursework. The Chinese component of this program thus consists of five courses at the 300-level or above taken on campus plus four courses taken abroad, or the equivalent of a nine-course major in LLC.