Chinese Studies Courses
Chinese Studies Program
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CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese I
DescriptionIntroduction to standard Mandarin in cultural context; development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. -
CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese II
DescriptionIntroduction to standard Mandarin in cultural context; development of skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.PrerequisitesCHIN 101
CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese I
DescriptionReinforcement and expansion of skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Appreciation of Chinese culture.PrerequisitesCHIN 102
CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese II
Fulfills General Education Requirement(s): Second Language Proficiency (SLP)
DescriptionReinforcement and expansion of skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Appreciation of Chinese culture.PrerequisitesCHIN 201
CHIN 301 Advanced Intermediate Chinese I
Units: 1
DescriptionA continuation of Chinese 202. Focuses on the further development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.PrerequisitesCHIN 202
CHIN 302 Advanced Intermediate Chinese II
Units: 1
DescriptionContinuation of CHIN 301. Social subject matters such as urbanization, aging and wellness, gender equality, environmental protection, and finance using complex grammatical patterns and expressions.PrerequisitesCHIN 202
CHIN 315 Myths and Parables in Chinese Literature and Film
Units: 1
DescriptionAdvanced intermediate language course. Integrates language with pre-modern Chinese culture and philosophy by introducing students to Chinese myths, parables, and popular beliefs. Through close reading of selected tales written entirely in Chinese, introduces the core of Chinese thought: Confucianism (yujia), Taoism (daojia), and Buddhism (fojia). Viewing of modern and contemporary film adaptations of supernatural tales such as animation films that are based on the novel Journey to the West. Taught in Chinese. All films are subtitled in Chinese and English.PrerequisitesCHIN 301
CHIN 388 Individual Internship
Units: 0.5
DescriptionInternship experiences outside of the department in fields related to Chinese studies. No more than 1.5 units of internship in any one department and 3.5 units of internship overall may be counted toward required degree units.PrerequisitesPermission of department
CHIN 389 Practice Assistantship
DescriptionStudents lead practice sessions associated with the elementary and intermediate language sequence in Chinese. The practice assistantship does not count as credit toward the major or minor. Up to one unit can be applied toward graduation credit.PrerequisitesPermission of department
CHIN 401 Topics in Advanced Chinese I
Units: 1
DescriptionExploration of themes and issues in contemporary Chinese culture including social issues, popular culture, traditions, politics, and history providing a range of views across culture boundaries.PrerequisitesOne 300-level course in Chinese
CHIN 402 Topics in Advanced Chinese II
Units: 1
DescriptionFurther refines Chinese syntax and develops academic writing skills sufficient to complete a research project in Chinese.PrerequisitesCHIN 401
CHIN 410 Business Localization: China and the U.S.
Units: 1
DescriptionDesigned for students who are interested in learning business Chinese. Focusing on topics of international business and foreign trade, the course offers advanced training in vocabulary, grammar, and rhetoric. The aim is to equip students with necessary language skills to function in the business world related to China.PrerequisitesOne 300-level course in Chinese
CHIN 495 Independent Study
Units: 0.5
DescriptionSpecial projects individually pursued under supervision of faculty member. -
CHIN 497 Selected Topics in Chinese
Units: 1
DescriptionSpecial interest topics offered at department's discretion. Recent topics include contemporary readings in culture, literature and history; and romance.PrerequisitesCHIN 301