Dr. Olivier Delers
The Other Rise of the Novel in Eighteenth-Century French Fiction, University of Delaware Press, 2015.
Edited Volume
Wim Wenders: Making Films That Matter, co-edited with Martin Sulzer-Reichel, Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2020.
Journal Articles“Adapter Sade en bande dessinée: de l’intermédial au transmédial,” in Transmédialité, Bande dessinée & Adaptation, eds. Évelyne Deprêtre and German A. Duarte, Clermont-Ferrand, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2019, 80-91.
“Imaginaire et mythe africain chez le Marquis de Sade” in Mythe et littératures africaines: La mise en texte de l’imaginaire, eds. Mamadou Diop and Mamadou Kalidou Ba, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2019, 211-222.
“Whimsical Pornography: Albert Dubout’s Illustrations for Sade’s Justine,” New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century, 13, 1, Spring 2016, 4-17.
“Du mythe au dialogue: Sade et l’érotisme surréaliste,” Mélusine, XXXV, 2015, 31-40.
“The Prostitute as Neo-Manager: Sade’s Juliette and the New Spirit of Capitalism,” in Prostitution and Eighteenth-Century Culture: Sex, Commerce, and Morality, eds. Ann Lewis and Markman Ellis, London, Pickering and Chatto, 2011, 127-139.