Dr. Kathrin M. Bower
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Distinguished Educator Award, 2001
“States of Performance,” co-organizer of GSA Seminar and Panel Series, German Studies Association annual conference, Portland, OR, October 2019
“Democratic Disenchantment and the Legacy of the 1990s: The New Right, East German Ressentiment and the Rise of the AfD,” German Studies Association annual conference, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2018
“Framing Trash: The Commodification of Precarity in the German Media,” German Studies Association annual conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2017
Organizer and chair for roundtable on “Immigration and Integration in German Popular Culture,” Northeast Modern Language Association conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2017
“The Politics of Satire and Censorship: The Böhmermann Affair,” Northeast Modern Language Association conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2017
“A Tale of Two Christians or the Berlin School as Privileged Category,” Northeast Modern Language Association conference, Hartford, CT, March 2016
“Cindy aus Marzahn’s Post-Wall White Trash Comedy: Commodification as Critique?,” seminar presentation, German Studies Association annual conference, Kansas City, MO, September 2014
“Hierarchies of Belonging: Wende Migrants and German Ausländer,” Symposium on “Migration, Memory and Diversity in Germany” at Emory University’s Halle Institute, Atlanta, GA, September 2013
“Ossi, Wessi, Other: Wende Migrants and German Ausländer,” German Studies Association annual conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 2012
“Who am I? Who are You?: Ethnicity and Mimicry in the Comedy of Kaya Yanar, Bülent Ceylan and Murat Topal,” German Studies Association annual conference, Louisville, KY, September 2011
“Serdar Somuncu’s Hitler Kebab: Ethno-Cultural Comedy as Transnational Intervention?” German Studies Association annual conference, Oakland, CA, October 2010
“Transnational Identities and German Guilt in Fatih Akin’s Auf der anderen Seite,” German Studies Association annual conference, Washington, DC, October 2009
“From Fremd im eigenen Land to the ‘neue deutsche Einheit’: Hiphop Confrontations with German Identity,” German Studies Association annual conference, St. Paul, MN, October 2008
American Association of Teachers of German
German Studies Association
Modern Language Association
Women in German
Selected Publications
Ethics and Remembrance in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Ausländer. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2000.
Journal ArticlesSlumming with Cindy: Class, Precarity, and Performance in Cindy aus Marzahn’s Trash Comedy,” German Studies Review 41.1 (February 2018), pp. 123-142.
“Made in Germany: Integration as Inside Joke in the Ethno-Comedy of Kaya Yanar and Bülent Ceylan,” German Studies Review, 37.2 (May 2014): 357-376.
“Serdar Somuncu: Reframing Integration through a Transnational Politics of Satire,” The German Quarterly 85.2 (Spring 2012): 193-213.
“Minority Identity as German Identity in Conscious Rap and Gangsta Rap: Pushing the Margins, Redefining the Center,” German Studies Review 34.2 (May 2011): 377-398.
“Holocaust Avengers: From “The Master Race” to Magneto,” International Journal of Comic Art 6.2 (Fall 2004): 182-194.
Book ChaptersBower, Kathrin M. "Learning to Live with the Other Germany in the Post-Wall Federal Republic." In Migration, Memory, and Diversity: Germany from 1945 to the Present , edited by Cornelia Wilhelm, 256-275. New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 2016.
“Wahr spricht, wer Schatten spricht: Die Angst vor der Unbestimmbarkeit in der Darstellung des Holocaust.” In Kulturelle Repräsentationen des Holocaust in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten, ed. Klaus Berghahn, Jürgen Fohrmann, and Helmut Schneider. New York: Peter Lang, 2002. 1-22.
“Claiming the Victim: Tokenism, Mourning and the Future of German Holocaust Poetry,” German Studies in the Post-Holocaust Age: The Politics of Memory, Identity, and Ethnicity, ed. Adrian Del Caro and Janet Ward. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 2000. 131-139.