Dr. Julie A. Baker
Julie Baker, Ph.D, has almost 30 years of experience in language education at the university level, specifically in the fields of French and Francophone language and culture, the development of intercultural competence, and medieval French literature. With a doctoral minor in Language Education and in her role as Director of the French Intensive Language program at the University of Richmond for over 20 years, she has created and administered a strong language curriculum for the beginning and intermediate levels, relying on extensive expertise in second language acquisition, language materials development, and teaching methods. Dr. Baker also specializes in teacher education. She trains and supervises the undergraduate teaching assistants in charge of oral practice labs for French intensive language courses on campus, has taught courses on instructional methods for those interested in teaching modern languages (K-16), and gives frequent presentations on teaching culture and developing language proficiency at state, regional, and national conferences. Dr. Baker has mentored students for French clubs, language honor societies, independent studies, honors projects, and career opportunities after graduation. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in French Literature from Indiana University and a B.A. in French and Communication Studies from the University of Michigan.
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Cabral, Joshua, host. Episode 70: Simple Ways to Make Activities More Communicative with Julie Baker. World Language Classroom, 3 Aug. 2022. https://wlclassroom.com/category/podcast-episodes/.
American Association of Teachers of French Annual Convention. Speak up, I CAN hear you! Creating Meaningful Speaking Activities for Diverse Learners in the Beginning French Classroom (60-min session). Monteleone Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. July 13, 2022.
American Association of Teachers of French Annual Convention. Exploring Under the Iceberg: Incorporating Cultural Materials and Developing Intercultural Competence in the Language Classroom (60-min session). Carayou Hotel, Pointe-du-Bout, Martinique. July 20, 2018.
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Conference. Under the Iceberg: Developing Intercultural Competence in the Language Classroom (60-min session). Midtown Hilton, New York City. Feb 13, 2016.
Cengage World Language Symposium: The Changing Landscape of Language Teaching. Under the Iceberg: Examining Cultural Perspectives in the Language Classroom & Assessing Intercultural Competence. (75-min workshop). Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. March 16, 2012.
International Baccalaureate teachers visit the International Center. Teaching and Encouraging International Mindedness. International Commons, Carole Weinstein International Center, University of Richmond. Richmond, VA. December 10, 2010.
Second International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence. (CERCLL, University of Arizona). Under the Iceberg: Cultural Perspectives in the Language Classroom. (50-minute session).Hotel Arizona, Tucson, AZ. January 29, 2010. Podcast available: https://www.listennotes.com/da/podcasts/cercll-2010/under-the-iceberg-cultural-BVsIKLx9ce8/#1
Foreign Language Teachers Association of Virginia Annual Conference. How Do I Really Teach Culture? Encouraging Intercultural Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom. (50-minute session). Holiday Inn Select, Koger South Center, Richmond, VA. October 13, 2006.
Foreign Language Teachers Association of Virginia Annual Conference. Making Connections: Critical Thinking, Self-Reflection, and Active Progress in the Foreign Language Classroom. (50-minute session). Holiday Inn Select, Koger South Center, Richmond, VA. October 14, 2005.
Southern Conference on Language Teaching/FLANC Joint Conference. In the Name of Progress: Student Portfolios for Active Learning (50-minute session). Charlotte, N.C. February 24-26, 2005.
Foreign Language Teachers Association of Virginia Annual Conference. How Do I Learn Best? Teaching Vocabulary for Different Learning Styles. (50-min session). Holiday Inn Select, Koger South Center, Richmond, VA. Nov. 5, 2004.
Foreign Language Teachers Association of Virginia Annual Conference. The 3“Ps”: Integrating Cultural Practices, Perspectives, and Products into Lesson Plans; Alone to Chaperone: Tips on Study/Travel Abroad in France; and Teaching the Passé Composé and l’Imparfait: New Student Strategies for a Timeless Classic (all 50-minute sessions). Holiday Inn Select, Koger South Center, Richmond, VA. October 24, 2003.
Professional Experience
Courses Taught
French 121: Intensive Elementary French
French 221: Intensive Intermediate French
French 301: French Conversation Through Cinema
French 304: French Grammar Review
French 305: French Composition
French 325: Early Modern Society
French 410: Medieval French Literature
French 414: Advanced French Grammar and Culture Studies
French 415: Translation
LLC 410: Teaching a Modern Second Language (taught in English)
Journal Articles
Baker, J. (2004) The Childhood of the Epic Hero: Representation of the Child Protagonist in the Old French Enfances Texts. The Child in French and Francophone Literature, v. 31.