Dr. Caroline Weist
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Grants and Fellowships
2019 American Society for Theatre Research Fellowships (American Society for Theatre Research)
2015 Bacca Foundation Grant (Davidson College)
2015 Faculty Study and Research Grant (Davidson College)
2013 Phyllis Rackin Fellowship for Feminist Scholarship (University of Pennsylvania)
2012 Arthur M. Daemmrich and Alfred Guenther Memorial Prize (University of Pennsylvania)
2012 Research and Travel Stipend (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach) -
2016 “Theaterstücke: A Roundtable on German Theater and Performance Studies.” Presenter and co-convener. German Studies Association. San Diego, CA. September 29-October 2.
2015 “Mixtapes and Müßiggang: Cassette Culture in Christian Spuck’s Leonce und Lena.” German Studies Association. Washington, D.C. October 1-4.
2015 “Gender Studies.” Commentary. Southeastern German Studies Workshop. Davidson, NC. February 26-27.
2014 “Imitation Brecht: Creative Appropriation in the German Classroom.” American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. San Antonio, TX. November 21-23.2014 “Revolution Comedy: The Rise of the Automatons in Büchner’s Leonce und Lena.” German Studies Association. Kansas City, MO. September 18-21.
2014 “Rehabilitating the Volkskörper: Prosthetic Veterans in Ernst Toller’s Hinkemann.” Northeastern Modern Languages Association. Harrisburg, PA. April 3-6.
2014 “Theater in the Foreign-Language Classroom.” Davidson College Foreign Language Teaching Series. Davidson, NC. February 27.
2013 “In the Flesh: Materializing Heimat and Prosthesis in Besuch der alten Dame.” German Studies Association. Denver, CO. October 3-6.
2013 “Emblems of the Body: Prosthesis and the Problem of Corporeal Legibility in From Morning to Midnight.” Comparative Drama Conference. Baltimore, MD. April 4-6.
2012 “Negative Prosthesis: Embodying Absence and the Limits of Dramatic Representation.” English Student Association Conference: “Cripples, Idiots, Lepers, and Freaks: Extraordinary Bodies / Extraordinary Minds.” CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY. March 22-23.
2012 “‘Hören Sie! Sehen Sie! Staunen Sie!’: Die Dramaturgie der Prothese in Ernst Tollers Hinkemann.” Mittwochseminar at the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach. Marbach, Germany. March 8.
Grants and Fellowships
Journal Articles
“‘I’ll wait’: Crip-Queer Temporality and Reproductive Futurism in Musical Adaptations of Dürrenmatt’s The Visit.” Theatre Survey 61.3 (Sept 2020), 396–420. doi: 10.1017/S0040557420000290.
“Castration and Critique: Resisting Rehabilitation in Ernst Toller’s Hinkemann.” Monatshefte 112.3 (Fall 2020): 367-391.
“Playing Brecht: Creative Appropriation in the Foreign Language Classroom.” Brecht Yearbook. Manuscript accepted, publication in late 2016.
“Beholding the Denkspiel: Genre, Bodies, and Interpretive Practices in Georg Kaiser’s From Morning to Midnight” in Text & Presentation 10 (2013).
ReviewsPoetics of Dance by Gabriele Brandstetter. German Studies Review. Accepted for publication in 2016-17.