Dr. Leslie Bohon
Leslie Bohon, Ph.D, has broad experience of over 25 years in international education at the university and secondary levels as an ESL/EFL professional, cross-cultural researcher, administrator, teacher and professor, program start-up and developer, curriculum developer, and professional development trainer. She currently serves as Director of English Language Learning at the University of Richmond and consults in international education. She is active in professional TESOL and international organizations and presents her work at numerous state, national, and international conferences. Her research interests are international student development; language, cultural, and academic needs of international students; intercultural competence, and internationalization of higher education. Dr. Bohon’s Ph.D. is in Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership with a focus on international education from the College of William & Mary. She completed her B.A. and M.Ed. degrees at the University of Virginia in French language and Second Language Curriculum and Instruction.
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Bohon, L. (2023, March). Intercultural and inquiry-based learning via student-made video projects. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Portland, OR.
Bohon, L. et al. (2023, March). Interculturality and storytelling. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Portland, OR.
Bohon, L., Xue, X., Cajkář, J., Hojdarová, B., Liu, J., Barrena Garay, D. (2022, November). Students’ perceptions of intercultural learning in the ESL classroom. Peer reviewed presentation and student panel at the annual meeting of the Southeast (SE) Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Richmond, VA.
Bohon, L. L., Sun, Y., & Du, J. (2021, September). Online experiences of university English language learners. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia TESOL, Virtual.
Bohon, L., Du, J., & Sun, Y. (2021, April). Effects of online learning on international students’ English language concerns. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Future Forum. Chicago, IL - Virtual.
Bohon, L. L. (2020, March). Addressing differing perceptions of international students’ academic and language needs. Peer reviewed poster session accepted at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). [Covid].
Bohon, L. L. (2019, October). Inquiry-based learning through student-made videos. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia TESOL, Charlottesville, VA.
Bohon, L. L. (2019, July). Supporting psychological development for international student success. Invited talk at the student success retreat of NAVITAS, Inc. at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
Rhodes, J., Bohon, L., Dudley, S. (2018, November).: Internationalizing teacher education through a comparative study of literacy pedagogy. Peer reviewed roundtable at the annual meeting of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER) in Louisville, KY.
Bohon, L. L. (2018, October). Aligning differing perceptions of international students’ academic and language needs.Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia TESOL, Charlottesville, VA.
Cho, S. & Bohon, L. L. (2018, October). Training for Ukrainian English teachers or school principals: 1) Communicative language teaching methods, 2) Differentiation 3) Providing feedback to teachers 4) Developing school culture and mission. New Ukrainian School, Zalischchyky, Ukraine.
Bohon, L. L., Goulde, N., Moore, M., Currie, L. (2017, October). College-ready writing. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia TESOL, New Kent, VA.
Bohon, L. L. (2017, April). Chinese undergraduate student self-authorship development: implications for faculty. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Conference on Language, Learning, & Culture (CLLC), Fairfax, VA.
Bohon, L. L. (2017, March). The impact of collectivism on self-authorship development of Chinese undergraduate students. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), Atlanta, GA.
Bohon, L. L. (2017, February). International student challenges in U.S. secondary & higher education. Education USA, U.S. Consulate, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Bohon, L. L. (2017, February). International student experiences in U.S. education: Engaging in the positive and overcoming the challenges. Education USA, U.S. Embassy, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Bohon, L. L. (2017, February). Values in U.S. culture and their application in everyday life. American Center, U.S. Embassy, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Bohon, L. L. (2016, April). Pre-collegiate international freshmen program: Successes and challenges. Peer reviewed poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Baltimore, MD.
Bohon, L. L. (2016, April). The impact of filial piety on self-authorship development of Chinese undergraduate students. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC.
Eddy, P. L., Barber, J. P., Bohon, L. L., Tarantino, K. (2016, April). Internationalization efforts on campus: Progress toward aligning individual experiences and institutional aspirations. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC.
Bohon, L. L. (2015, November). Patterns of self-authorship development of Chinese undergraduate students attending a U.S. university. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Denver, CO.
Barber, J. P., Bohon, L. L., Feltman, L, Stone, S., & Tarantino, K. (2015, November). Perspectives on integration: Comparing views of undergraduates and educators on integrative learning experiences. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Denver, CO.
Bohon, L. L. (2015, October). Improving academic and social success of international freshman through pre-collegiate programs. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Virginia TESOL, Newport News, VA.
Allen, C., & Bohon, L. L. (2015, June). Coming to America: Improving cultural acclimation & employment success. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), Dallas, TX.
Barber, J. P., Bohon, L. L., Everson, N. (2014, November). Educators’ voices: Examining the characteristics of integrative learning experiences. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Washington, DC.
Bohon, L. L., McKelvey, S., Rhodes, J., & Robnolt, V. (2014, May). Teacher training for aspiring teachers of English language learners: Using experiential learning to improve instruction. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Conference on Education, Chicago, IL. Best Paper Award.
Barber, J. P., Bohon, L. L., Everson, N., Stone, S., & Feltman, L. (2014, April). Integration of learning: Examining undergraduates’ “light bulb moments.” Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA.
Barber, J. P., Everson, N., Feltman, L., Bohon, L. L. (2014, March). Integration of Learning: Strategies to promote and assess intercontextual learning. Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Student Affairs Educators in Higher Education (NASPA), Baltimore, MD. Special recognition.
Eddy, P. L., Barber, J., Brush, K., Bohon, L. L., Holly, N. (2012, November). Internationalization of the college campus: A case study. Peer reviewed paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
Eddy, P. L., Bohon, L. L., Brush, K. H. (2012, June). Internationalizing a campus: A case study of the College of William & Mary. Presentation at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland.
Robnolt, V., McKelvey, S., Rhodes, J., & Bohon, L. L. (2011, December). Expanding access, knowledge, and participation of adolescent English language learners in content area classrooms. Peer reviewed presentation at annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Jacksonville, FL.
Cho, S. & Bohon, L. L. (2011, March). How do secondary content-area teachers implement SIOP in their classrooms? Peer reviewed presentation at the annual meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), New Orleans, LA.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Bohon, L. & Lapornik, B. (December 2021). Inspiring intercultural learning: ESL & ESL students’ experiences. InterCom: The Newsletter of the Intercultural Communication Interest Section. TESOL International.
Bohon, L. L. (2020). English language training for international faculty. In M. E. David & M. J. Amey (Eds.), SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education (p. 452). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Rhodes, J. A., Bohon, L., & Dudley, S. D. (2019). Meeting the needs of early learners: A program for the comparative study of U.S. and Italian pedagogy. In A. Babino, J. Araujo, R. Johnson, & N. Cossa (Eds.), Educating for a Just Society: The 41st Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Yearbook (pp. 151-162). Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers.
Bohon, L. L., McKelvey, S., Rhodes, J. A., & Robnolt, V. J. (2017). Training for content teachers of English language learners: Using experiential learning to improve instruction. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development, 21(5), 609-634. doi:10.1080/13664530.2016.1277256
Creighton, J., Betjemann, J., & Bohon, L. L. (2016). U.S. student affairs: Interpersonal violence prevention efforts in intercultural contexts. International Association of Student Affairs and Services, Current Trends in Tertiary Education around the World.
Bohon, L. L. (2014). Accidental agent of change: George Ticknor’s study abroad in 1815 Germany. The William & Mary Educational Review, 3(1), 37-49.
Eddy, P. L., Barber, J. P., Brush, K., Holly, N., Bohon, L. L., & Green, M. (2013). Internationalizing a campus: From colonial to modern times. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 45(6), 43-50. doi:10.1080/00091383.2013.842107